This is hilarious...
later man, jan
just another way for grandma to show off the kids and the cabin, admire the wonder of life in this, God's creation and think aloud about how fortunate we are to have an abundance to share and how easy it is to make a difference in another person's life.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
$25 AT A TIME...
Of course - I can't find CNBC - not on my little tv:) I did find their website and copied the following intro...
"There’s a remarkable new venture that’s transforming the lives of people in some of the poorest countries on earth. is the innovative website that enables ordinary people all over the world to make tiny loans – as little as $25 at a time -- to small business owners in third world countries. NBC News correspondent John Larson reports. watch video"...
John and I watched it. It really is easy to change another person's life...
Just like the cliche "a hand up - not a hand out" How very true!
later man, jan
Monday, November 26, 2007
Christmas With a Capital C
I respect the rights of other people with other religions - however - in turn - I expect them to respect my rights and not be offended when I say "Merry Christmas"
later man, jan
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wanna feel good inside... giving is the way to go...
check out this website link to to find a new way to support those in need in our world...
There are many ways to give - but these are micro-loans that let you get your money repaid and able to be given again - WOW! now I can be a micro-lender to give a micro-loan...
There was so much traffic on the page today that it took me forever to get in when I decided to register! They use PayPal to send the money and you can check the status of each loan anytime. They also have an RSS feed for their blog and I have been fascinated by the stories and pictures. Where have I been, that I missed seeing this on the news! People lending to people!
If you have time, check out the documentary that spread this news a year ago at FRONTLINE/World called Uganda - A Little Goes a Long Way. In one year they have spread from Unganda to 11 other countries.
later man, jan
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Washing Osama's Feet...

Can you stretch your heart and pray? "Father, forgive Osama. He doesn't know what he's doing."
If this image makes you want to dig deeper into your soul...
check out Greg Boyd's blog for background info and more links...
The truth hurts... I am still honking at that guy who cut me off at the light... so I have a long way to go.
later man, jan
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Meth is the bottom of the hill...
The Partnership for a Drug Free America has a Meth Information and Resource Centre website full of resources for community education... you can find...
before and after pictures of meth users...
videos and slideshows highlighting the overall dangers of meth use...
personal stories of people who have tried to fill some emptiness in their lives and then... memorials for those who have proven that drugs don't discriminate and everyone is at risk...
but best of all - a recovery story allowing me to feel hope and not total despair and giving me the ability to thank you, Loving Spirit, for the gift of Life!
later man, jan
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics
"The Mom Song"
Get up now
Get up now
Get up out of bed
Wash your face
Brush your teeth
Comb your sleepyhead
Here's your clothes and your shoes
Hear the words I said
Get up now! Get up and make your bed
Are you hot? Are you cold?
Are you wearing that?
Where's your books and your lunch and your homework at?
Grab your coat and gloves and your scarf and hat
Don't forget! You gotta feed the cat
Eat your breakfast, the experts tell us it's the most important meal of all
Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall
Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at 3 today
Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play
Don't shovel
Chew slowly
But hurry
The bus is here
Be careful
Come back here
Did you wash behind your ears?
Play outside, don't play rough, will you just play fair?
Be polite, make a friend, don't forget to share
Work it out, wait your turn, never take a dare
Get along! Don't make me come down there
Clean your room, fold your clothes, put your stuff away
Make your bed, do it now, do we have all day?
Were you born in a barn? Would you like some hay?
Can you even hear a word I say?
Answer the phone! Get off the phone!
Don't sit so close, turn it down, no texting at the table
No more computer time tonight!
Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up
Where are you going and with whom and what time do you think you're coming home?
Saying thank you, please, excuse me makes you welcome everywhere you roam
You'll appreciate my wisdom someday when you're older and you're grown
Can't wait till you have a couple little children of your own
You'll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly
But right now I thank you not to roll your eyes at me
Close your mouth when you chew, would appreciate
Take a bite maybe two of the stuff you hate
Use your fork, do not burp or I'll set you straight
Eat the food I put upon your plate
Get an A, get the door, don't get smart with me
Get a grip, get in here, I'll count to three
Get a job, get a life, get a PHD
Get a dose of,
"I don't care who started it!
You're grounded until you're 36"
Get your story straight and tell the truth for once, for heaven's sake
And if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you jump, too?
If I've said it once, I've said at least a thousand times before
That you're too old to act this way
It must be your father's DNA
Look at me when I am talking
Stand up straighter when you walk
A place for everything and everything must be in place
Stop crying or I'll give you something real to cry about
Brush your teeth, wash your face, put your PJs on
Get in bed, get up here, say a prayer with mom
Don't forget, I love you
And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom's work never ends
You don't need the reason why
Because, because, because, because
I said so, I said so, I said so, I said so
I'm the mom, the mom, the mom, the mom, the mom!!
Ta da!!! (more)
thanx to Ann for the link... this is great...
later man, jan
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
This is NOT A GOOD READ...
The scale of brutality taking place in the Congo now is staggering...
What are we doing? What should we be doing?
later man, jan
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Join the Global Day of Action...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Olympic Plaza
Calgary, AB
*** Check out the information and sign the petition at the Amnesty International website...
*** Sign a petition at
*** Write to your MP ...
*** Check out the Democratic Voice of Burma ...
*** This Thanksgiving Day - please remember to be thankful for all the freedoms we enjoy and pray earnestly for those in our world who do not have our advantages...
love ya , jan
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bono at NAACP Awards
The video below is of Bono accepting the honorary Chairman’s Award at the NAACP Awards last Spring. He finishes an inspiring acceptance speech with as much fire and passion as any African-American preacher.
And if you haven't signed up with Make Poverty History - google it and do it today!
later man, jan
Thursday, September 13, 2007
free ringtones for your cell ?
"I don't get ringtones. I mean, I know what they are, but I don't care enough about them to download any. I'm happy with whatever ringtones come with my phone. But my kids like them, and I understand some people buy them online. Buying ringtones? Why? I'll give you a selection of RLP ringtones for free."
so - if you think you might like to download a new ringtone - check out Real Live ... I was attracted to 'the polite one'...
but then - I'm also not techno-savvy enough to download something like this to my cell anyway - half the time I don't even hear the tone I have :) sigh -
later man, jan
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fraking Cylons... (video)
read more | digg story
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Rappel from a downtown building???
Remember the crazy Venturer Advisor, Murray Beck?
Well, Murray wants to be a Superhero for the Easter Seal Kids and needs sponsors to donate money to the Alberta Easter Seals. He plans to rappel down the face of a downtown Calgary building at the Sun Life Plaza - 144 4th Ave SW - on September 6th, 2007 at 4:30pm.
There is plenty of room to come and sit and watch the superheroes. There is an outdoor plaza (with bench seating) in which the superheroes descend into. Spectators are welcome :)
Follow the link to and check it out...
later man, jan
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Sign the Golden Rule Resolution - a Global Ethic for a Global Civilization
read more | digg story
Friday, July 13, 2007
Buried Treasure...
So Don and Judy arrive at our place...
"Hey Jan" "Hey John" "Hey, everybody."
"Look what I found! This old lantern I got at the antique store! Look what I found inside!"
I look at Don, waving this piece of paper in my face. What is he going on about now? You know, it's always something with Don.
"Look, Jan," says Don, "this paper was folded up inside and there's writing on here. I wonder what it says. And it looks real old! Look, it's even burned in spots! "
Jan (not the sharpest tool in the box) finally begins to realize that Don is doing a real good acting job here and I had better jump right in. Peter is over the other side of the cabin, not really paying attention, but listening like most 6 year olds do and not missing a word.
"Peter", says I, "Come look at this! What do you think this is? Wow - it looks like a map to me!" Peter's eyes are starting to get round and he's acting real shy and not saying much - but he's hooked.
We start to look more closely - is that our lake? what about that creek - hey Don, doesn't that go right by your place? -- Pete, do you remember that picnic table - we had a party there last year -- and what are these marks? are they clues?
Well, to make a long story short - Don and Peter made a date to meet at his place the next morning at 10am - and Peter had better bring a shovel and maybe even a backpack. Don was going to go over to see another friend of his - Keelan, who was only 5 years old to see if she would like to help Peter with the clues on this map...
Next morning, everyone gathered for the reading of this map! There were a couple of young ladies who volunteered to help Peter and Keelan follow the clues... and all the rest of us followed - how could we not ???
Boy, am I glad we wore lots of bug spray - the trail took us along the lake shore and then plunged us into the bush where there were huge mushrooms and giant ferns and lots of mosquitos buzzing around...
Pete and his friends followed the clues and when they decided they must be in the right place, why they started digging around till they heard something go 'clunk'
There was this big, heavy tin box and the lid fell off and there were coins flying everywhere - well - everyone helped the kids fill their backpacks and they carried the loot back to the picnic table where everyone stood around in awe looking at the pile of coins.
Don suggested that the only thing left to do now was to divide the loot. So Peter and Keelan shared their find went home ready to visit the candy store, lots! Right Pete ???
Wow - what a day that was!
later man, jan
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Interview with Ann Rice...

Anyone with a spare half hour can listen to this Audio Interview with Ann Rice...
...quoted from ... in a broadcast from "the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton talks with Anne Rice, author of numerous books in the Vampire Chronicles series and Christ the Lord, Out of Egypt. In particular, the focus of the conversation revolves around her return to the Christian faith and her belief in the general reliability and historicity of the New Testament texts after years as an atheist."
couple of comments - she thinks Dan Brown's book was 'a hoot' and that he 'lied about absolutely everything'.
I don't ever want to be so sure about my faith that I can't be open to the voice I really need to hear - sigh
later man, jan
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Trish - did we miss 2004?
Monday, July 09, 2007
Momma Sandpiper lays guilt trip on me...
I'm in the water and talking to Sandra who is on a towel next to Meghan, soaking up the sun...
Look, Sandra, right behind you...
There's a sandpiper going in and out from under that tiny little foot high fir tree...
I wonder if there are good bugs in there...
Wait, maybe she has a nest...
Yep - four beige eggs with mottled brown spots - almost as big as the bird herself...
Right there on our high water line...
Right there where I have cleared the beach of grass and rocks and the water is great for swimming without having to trek 5 minutes down the sand to Grants place...
Where's that bird book...
Spotted Sandpiper - right - 20 days to hatch...
Sometimes lays more than one nest and one of her male playmates will be left to guard a nest...
So maybe she is actually a he - I'll never know :)
After two weeks of trying to stay as far away as possible, she finally stays in the vicinity and if I sit quietly, she will come back to the nest...
But we had to come home...
And they hadn't hatched yet...
Maybe when they hatch, that great big garter snake Sandra found will be waiting greedily for them...
We'll see what next week brings...
Anyway - we had a lot of luck with wildlife this trip...
Horned Grebes doing their daily bathing right out front...
Loons being noisily chased from a select piece of grassy beach by a Merganser duck...
Wonderful time watching a bald eagle while out in the boat (Rose, hope your photos are good, mine are too far away to see clearly)...
The Red Naped Sapsucker found a friend and the two were chasing each other through the trees for a couple of days...
And the usual hummingbirds at the feeder - but only 3 this year...
Oops - don't forget the bears - Al won't - but at least we found that Katie will actually bark at them - we thought she only noticed tennis balls. Although, she did tree one while chasing the ball, and came home without seeing the bear, but John saw it go up the tree. She'll learn, she's new to all this...
later man, jan
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Rhubarb ! ! ! ! ! !
My mom used to make awesome rhubarb pies - sigh...
I have pulled some for the compost and loaded a bin for the garbage man -- and this is what is left - sigh
Susie homemaker I'm not :) and all Katie wants to do is play ball. Where did I put that chuck-it? Come on, dog...
Later man, jan
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Saying Goodbye is tough...

Jake and Nikko spent a lot of time together...

waiting for the cabin to be built...

I wish I had a photo of the time the two of them treed that bear!

You could always find them curled up together on the same bed, resting up after a long day...

Jake was Peter's first dog...
... and had learned that it was safer to stay out of the way by the time Morgan came along...
Jake was always trying to lick my face and loved best to be snuggled by my side... I will miss him... we all will miss him.
Now he is with Nikko over the Rainbow Bridge in Doggie Heaven and I am sure there is someone there to throw the ball who will never get tired.
later man, jan
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
When I say "I Am A Christian"
When I say, “I am a Christian”
~ Author Unknown
When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not shouting, “I am saved!”
I am whispering, “I was lost.
And now I’ve chosen His way.”
When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t boast with pride,
I’m confessing that I stumble,
And need God to be my guide.
When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not trying to be strong,
I’m professing that I am weak
And pray for strength to carry on.
When I say, “I am a Christian,”
I’m not bragging of success,
I’m admitting that I’ve failed
And can never repay the debt.
When I say, “I am a Christian,”
I don’t think I know it all.
I submit to the Lord in my confusion
And ask humbly to be taught.
When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not claiming to be perfect;
My flaws are visible
But God believes I am worth it.
When I say, “I am a Christian”
I feel no less the sting of pain;
I have my share of heartaches,
Which is why I seek His name.
When I say, “I am a Christian”
I really do not wish to judge.
I have no authority to do so;
I only know that I am loved.
later man, jan
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Read your bible... Make up your own mind...

from a blog I subscribe to who calls himself nakedpastor. Check him out, he posts a lot and gives much food for thought...
later man, jan
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Morgan's Hulk Impression...
Peter also has his version...
Both of these actions produce images of children that "only a mother would love" - or a grandma of course...
later man, jan
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Some days futility reigns in my heart...

One of the highlights of my day is reading the cartoon strip For Better or Worse by Lynn Johnston. Today's Sunday Strip Fix has hit a nerve.
I look at our one can of garbage on Friday and then glance down the alley at all the neighbor's piles. Today at church we had cake and coffee with china plates and cups and plastic spoons. I use cloth grocery bags and have to be so careful not to get distracted at the checkout or I find everything stuffed in little plastic bags that I have no use for. We install low flow shower heads and the guy at the corner store washes his sidewalk with a garden hose and I know when I go to work tomorrow, at least one of the 3 sinks in the washroom will have a tap that won't turn off all the way. I remember a while back, Al had a post about all the people at his local recycling drop and he was the only one that turned off his engine while recycling.
Can't think of a way to end this rant - it just goes on...
later man, jan
Friday, May 25, 2007
Baby Giant Panda

This link will take you to all the adorable photos from birth to 3 months.
I found the comments section also very interesting - people sure have differing thoughts but I do wish they could be a little more polite even when they disagree.

later man, jan
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Darn that Weatherman...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
More on the mudslide...
We always manage to forget the absolute power wielded by Mother Nature. These photos show how high up the mountain is sliding and show in detail the monumental task ahead to keep the #1 highway open.
thanx, Linda
later man, jan
Monday, May 21, 2007
A Nose Bidet?

I really love watching Oprah - and today she had a follow-up with an audience member who tested the Neti Pot . Dr Oz gave pointers on the use of the Neti Pot. Dr Oz is a regular on the Oprah show and he answers lots of 'unusual' questions about the functioning of the human body. I didn't really enjoy the segment on Pinworms but this nose cleanse appears to really help people with chronic sinus issues - has anyone out there tried it??
later man, jan
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Trapped in Alberta...

The news is not good and it took me a long while to realize that no matter how much we want to go - we can't get to the cabin! So there.
I remember being amazed the first time this mountain decided to turn into mud. Amazed at the look and the texture of the slime coming out of gaps in the forest and oozing down and overflowing the ditch and crossing the road. I remember when this stretch of highway was actually a passing lane (and I have all those memorized). Since that time, we have watched the big trucks and earth movers carving bypass channels down the side of this mountain. The trees across the road have died from being smothered in the goo. We drive by every trip and comment on how Mother Nature sure keeps trying to fight man's best laid plans. Obviously, this year she found another route. We'll see it in June when we make the trip.
For now, the route south would take us at least 10 and 1/2 hours just driving time - a bit much for a long weekend. Sure hope we don't have any squatters at our place letting in the mice. Sigh...
later man, jan
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Beam me up Scotty...
It appears that Scotty's ashes and those of some 200 others, after a brief time in space on April 30 of this year, were to be returned to loving family members as memorial tributes. Now it appears they crashed back to Earth in rough terrain and are still missing. A news story from states that "The UP Aerospace payload included samples of cremated remains from more than 200 people, including James Doohan, who played the role of Chief Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the original "Star Trek" series..."
From the blog of Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) asks...
"Q. What do you call a crater left by a rocket full of cremated remains? A. An ash hole."
My favourite bumper sticker goes like this...
Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes !
ps - as I write this, I am watching Buck Rogers on Space channel - there must be a better way to wait for Phils moving truck to get here :)
later man, jan
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Hey to all you helicopter enthusiasts...
later man, jan
Monday, May 07, 2007
Medal of Merit for one of our own!!!!

Scouts Canada recognizes one of the best!!! As a former 76th Rover - a wife and mother of four children - in my opinion, Sharon deserves every award possible for sharing her joy of life with everyone she meets.
Congratulations Sharon - the world is a better place with you in it!
later man, jan
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Lion Hugs...
tip of the hat to Janet my my head shearer...
later man, jan
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
When only a movie cam would have done...
You really had to be there...
- relaxing in the living room after supper...
- his dad stands up to let Grandad sit in the corner chair...
- and in the blink of an eye...
- Morgan was up in the chair grinning...
- like he was ready to burst...
- unbelievable!!
Seeing that kind of quick thinking - and the fact that he actually understands the concept of one-up on you... well, where did he learn that?
Cause if he thought it up all on his own - is this family gonna be in trouble :)
later man, jan
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Our IQ is 131...
later man, jan
You're a Facts Curator!
The Classic IQ Test
Brought to you by Tickle
Friday, April 27, 2007
Procrastinators Unite - Chapter ???
later man, jan
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
We are sad...April 16 Memorial Website
To honor and remember the victims of Monday's tragedy, the university has created the April 16 Memorial Website so individuals may share condolences, thoughts, and prayers.NOTE: Due to extremely high volume on the memorial website, you may experience slow performance.
Last updated 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 17
The Virginia State Police have been coordinating the notification of the victims' next-of-kin with local authorities around the country. At this time, all families have been tentatively notified.
Read a complete investigation update
Classes are canceled for the remainder of the week to allow students to mourn and begin healing. Campus will reopen Wednesday for administrative operations.
Norris Hall has been closed for the remainder of the semester.
Get further details in our special section
Saturday, April 07, 2007
There's snow in them thar hills...
Friday, March 30, 2007
need new fridge magnets?...
This could be a very irreverent way to boost your Christian faith - at least, they sure got me to thinking how this could turn my fridge into a conversation piece - seems to be the room in my home where most folk gather :)
thanx frodo, later man, jan
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
God is all over YouTube...
later man, jan
Monday, March 26, 2007
Nova Scotia citizens missing...
I think they are actually serious... to quote...
"Some Nova Scotians have been away from home far to long" ...
so, this is a friendly reminder about the province left behind and how it has changed. The New Nova Scotia is offering far more opportunities and the unbeatable quality of life remains unchanged.
later man, jan
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Peter is 6
later man, jan
Friday, March 16, 2007
For all you bird lovers...
I have to thank Wendy for an email that sent me googling for a link...
... to a goose who may not really know she's a goose ...
enjoy... later man, jan
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Spent any time planning your funeral??
I was singing one of my favourite hymns in church today and thinking I should add it to the list that is in my computer under 'thoughts for my funeral' --- you know, that file that John will never find in a million years, even if he remembers to look:)
Then I was reading a discussion on WonderCafe about this green alternative to cremation. I had always wanted to be cremated because - God forbid - if for some reason I am aware of what is happening, I sure don't like worms and stuff. And cremation appears the only other choice.
So today I hear about this freeze-dry alternative. Seems that after you are quick frozen and dried out, they can shake you to fine dust and put you in a jar. That way I could still be taken over the mountains (in a bio-diesel powered automobile) and scattered around at Beaton and add my little bit to the beauty of the spring flowers.
I googled the concept and found a link to the Redwood Funeral Society where they talk about the process, known as promession, that has been developed in Sweden and aims to address the shortage of burial spaces and reduce the mercury pollution created by dental fillings during cremation.
This news is from 2005 so I think that if dental fillings are the only ecological issue, then I am fine with cremation because my teeth are all store-bought. But if cremation also uses too much energy and adds toxins to the air (who me? toxic?) well, then, you guys left behind better look for a better solution thanx.
So well, whatever you think, I won't really have a choice after I'm gone - but maybe this post will stick in your mind anyway :)
later man, jan
So how brain dead are you???
I tried. Doh! It appears I only have 70% left in my brain and during the test I was actually getting frantically worried that it was even worse...
Let me know how you do... try it and find out how short 20 seconds really is...
later man, jan
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Alternative Uses for your Laptop
So, can you shut down your computer for just one day ???
I really think that if I did have a laptop, I would show a little respect and give it the day to just be in it's own space and perhaps just let it have a bit of alone time - you know - freedom to fullfill itself - sigh - but since I just have this darling pc, I will close the door to the room and leave it in peace - anyway - March 24th... it's a Saturday - and it's just for one day - what am I saying - ARRRRGGGHGHHHHHHHHHHHH
later man, jan
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
How many Flourescent bulbs do you use???
Project Porchlight is a campaign of One Change, a not-for-profit organization based in Ottawa, Ontario. The campaign's goal is to bring together business, community groups and volunteers to deliver one free compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) to every household in Canada.
Check your bulbs - can you change even one???
later man, jan
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Careful you don't hit the dog :)
Here's another time-waster to try...
Procrastinators Unite... later man, jan
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Me Worship
This video appears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...
how sad...
link thanx to Think
later man, jan
Saturday, February 10, 2007
No More Procrastinating for me...
later man, jan
Friday, February 09, 2007
Watch your life disappear...
later man, jan
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Calgary Transit... sigh
I just missed the 4:05 tonight.
The 4:14 bus stopped at the green light on 6th Ave & 3rd St at 4:15 because there were already 2 buses in the stop and no room for more...
However as the light looked like it was ready to change, the young man driving this 108 bus rolled through the intersection...
Then pulled left around the 2 buses and angled into the curb in front of the church on the corner of 4th St.
All the people waiting at the stop ran up the block to catch him, except me...
I don't run too well, especially on snow and ice.
I went as fast as I could and when I saw the light turn green at 4th St. and he started to move, I yelled and waved to no avail...
The other 2 buses pulled out right behind the 108.
I was left. My knees are not pleased. And neither am I.
The next bus (the 4:24) arrived at 4:27 and by then I was in pain and very cold. The very nice lady driver on this bus tried very hard to squeeze every passenger on that she could - and a fine job she did, we are thankful for her.
I understand we are in need of drivers. Most of the ones we have now try very hard to make the best of a difficult situation.
I feel I deserve a personal apology from that young man driving the 4:14.
later man, jan
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Feb 11th is Evolution Sunday for many Christians...
"CrossWalk America has collaborated with Renegade Cinema to produce a short, very funny video that makes a serious point. You can watch the video on YouTube by clicking here. "
I can't say I found the video especially funny - however it definitely gets the point across - that there really is room to co-exist and believe in evolution and still remain in awe at God's creation.
I never could understand why folks get so uptight about this stuff...
later man, jan
Monday, February 05, 2007
Dad has a new home...
He can sit in his very own living room with an electric fireplace and his TV or sit at his table and look out a bay window with a view to the west...
God bless you, my daddy, we all love you so much and want you to be happy. We know they will take good care of you when we can't always be around.
How do you Experience God...
Peter had a great time with the Sunday School yesterday. The children were taken up for the communion time in the contemporary worship. He loves this place with the praise band and the fun music. Peter and his friend were chosen to hold the cracker plate. When people took a cracker, Peter was to say "God Loves You". When his mum asked him if he was shy - he just shook his head and said "uh uh" and smiled that little one that Grandma loves so much...
have a great day all
later man, jan
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Chief Seattle didn't really write this????
The only known photograph of Chief Seattle was taken in the 1860s as he neared his 80th year.

Monday, January 29, 2007
do Dogs go to Heaven?
thanx so much to JRT - your post made me cry...
A a google search and found many references - but check out the music from the Muppet Movie at FortuneCity
Phil also found a link to a flash animation at
Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Later man (and all you dog lovers out there)... jan