Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. We did not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand of it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves... - Chief Seattle 1786 - 1866
The only known photograph of Chief Seattle was taken in the 1860s as he neared his 80th year.

One of the blogs I follow... Golden Rule Radical has a new post today... and wow... this statement was just made up for a movie ?!? This statement that has always tugged at me and pulled those strings that make me feel guilty when I do dumb stuff like buying overpackaged junk food. (I do try to think about our earth, always ready to acknowledge that guilt does not necessarily stop me for long - sigh.)
This makes me reflect on how we take any spoken or written words as literally as we tend to do. (And I'm not just speaking about my Christian brothers who are sure I am going to hell! :) My bible is very important reading for me however, I know I don't believe everything absolutely. I do though, tend to take many things at face value when I see them in print. Probably because I am too lazy to do my own research. I depend on my younger friends to keep nudging me back to a more cynical (or is that analytical?) outlook.
later man, jan
1 comment:
What is sad, is that whom ever said it hadn't been acknowledged for saying it. Mind you, if it wasn't attached to anyone famous then would anyone listen or remember it?
I was listening to cbc on the weekend on “the Age of Persuasion”. He mentioned that most things we have heard from famous people were written by someone else. Woody Allen used to have this job (writing quotes for famous people). Sounds like a fun job.
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