Saturday, January 20, 2007

All those 'Christians' don't really speak for me...

Here's a link to a place called CrossWalk America - part of an emerging Christian movement - one that joyously embraces the love of God, neighbor and self (Jesus' core values). Here is what they stand for:
- openness to other faiths
- care for the earth and its ecosystems
- valuing artistic expression in all its forms
- authentic inclusiveness of all people - including God's lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (lgbt) community
- opposing the commingling of Church and State
- promoting the values of rest and recreation, prayer and reflection
- embracing both faith and science in the pursuit of truth

Here also is a link to The Phoenix Affirmations which will give you a summary version of the core beliefs of this group that speaks of the public face of Christianity in America today as having little connection to the historic faith of our ancestors. How the voices of 'Christians' in the media do not necessarily represent the faith of all who attempt to follow the way of Love.

If you still have time... I signed up for the prayer vigil for tomorrow morning from 9am to 11am - the trial began yesterday...

On August 8, 2006, Bishop Ronald Warren of the Southeastern Synod filed formal charges with the ELCA against Pastor Schmeling because of his committed relationship with Rev. Darin Easler. Currently, the ELCA has a policy that excludes gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons in relationships from the ordained ministry. The congregation, which stands in solidarity with Pastor Schmeling, prays the ELCA will change its policy or that Bishop Warren will drop the charges before a disciplinary hearing is scheduled to begin on January 19, 2007.
Members of St. John’s have formed a national prayer vigil during the trial

later man, jan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woo! I've linked up these guys on my blog too!