Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fire & Grace Contemplative Worship

once again I forgot those of you who missed the service Thursday morning, here it is (hugs)

Fire & Grace Contemplative Prayer Service
Living Spirit United Church – February 23, 2012


Opening Reading  (spoken together)

Thus says the Lord: Do not let the wise boast in their wisdom, do not let the mighty boast in their might, do not let the wealthy boast in their wealth; but let those who boast glory in this, that they understand and know me, that I am the Lord; I act with steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, says the Lord.  (Jeremiah 9:23,24)


Slowly blooms the rose within,
slowly blooms the rose within.
1st reading – listen, what word or phrase draws you.
2nd reading – listen, for an image that relates to your life.
3rd reading – listen, what might God be calling you to?

Most gracious Presence, let me not be arrogant, nor boast of my virtuous deeds; Let me not seek fame or set my heart on the riches of the world.  Help me to calm and quiet my soul, like a child quieted at its mother’s breast; like a child that is quieted, be so my soul. 
(Psalm 131 trans Nan C Merrill)


Slowly blooms the rose within,
slowly blooms the rose within.

Silent Meditation (15-20 minutes ended by a bell)
Prayers of the people followed by Our Father.

All shall be well
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well.

Closing:  (spoken together)

          God, my friend,
I offer You each moment of this day;
Whatever comes – the unexpected challenges,
          Diversions from my plans,
          The need-filled glance,
          The expectations and complaints,
          The being taken for granted,
          The slights and sleights-of-hand.

I’d be grateful if You could keep me aware of my pesky habits…
And, between us, perhaps we can enliven the spirits of those I live and work with…
Whatever else befalls,
          I trust we can cope with it.  Amen.
                             (A Lenten Prayer of Dedication)


Friday, February 10, 2012

Fire & Grace Contemplative Worship

Sorry folks, I was so busy yesterday with Occupy stuff, I forgot to post the service.  I hope your day was wonderful, I am posting the service now in case you wish to spend some quiet time today... (hugs)

Fire & Grace Contemplative Prayer Service
Living Spirit United Church – February 9, 2012


Opening Reading  (spoken together)

“Is there anyone among you who,
if your child asks for a fish,
will give a snake instead of a fish? 
Or if the child asks for an egg,
will give a scorpion? 
If you then, who are evil, know how
to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will the heavenly Father
give the Holy spirit to those who ask him!”
          (Luke 11: 11-13)

O let me see with the eye of my heart,
That I might see your face, O my God.
1st reading – listen, what word or phrase draws you.
2nd reading – listen, for an image that relates to your life.
3rd reading – listen, what might God be calling you to?

“When we do get there, we almost wonder how we got there.  We know we did not do anything nearly as much as we know we were done unto.  We are being utterly and warmly held and falling helplessly into a scary mystery at the very same time – caught between profound desire and the question, “where is this going to take me?”  It has been said many times that, after transformation, you seldom have the feeling you have found anything.  It feels much more like Someone found you!”                                                      (Richard Rohr – The Naked Now)

O let me see with the eye of my heart,
That I might see your face, O my God.

Silent Meditation (15-20 minutes ended by a bell)
Prayers of the people followed by Our Father.

Always and everywhere, All ways and everywhere,
          Rejoice, rejoice in the One who is All.
Always and everywhere, All ways and everywhere,
          Rejoice, rejoice in the One.

Closing:  (spoken together)

My hope is in the Beloved,
my strength and my joy,
O my soul, open the door to Love! 
Yes!  Let us sing a song of diversity,
a song of Oneness and Unity! 
For we are all One in Love’s Heart,
now and forevermore. 
Let us ever reflect the Peace we are!
                   (from Psalm 43 trans Nan C.Merrill)


Saturday, February 04, 2012

No War On Iran: Calgary Joins International Day of Action

We had an amazing crowd today for our rally in front of the Consulate General of the United States in Calgary.  Trying to get our message out to the warmongers who say we *must* go to war on Iran.  I don't believe war is ever a solution.  I think there are ways to bring peace in a peaceful manner and it's time our governments stopped putting money and oil ahead of human rights for all people around the globe.


The more than 200 leaflets we handed out contained a quiz on Iran and the answers were found on the back. 

How well can you do on these questions?  Please give it a try...
  1. What country in the Middle East refuses to confirm or deny that it has a nuclear weapons program and refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
  2. What country agreed to be monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and has repeatedly opened up its country to IAEA inspectors?
  3. Which country’s prime minister has been attempting to persuade members of his cabinet to make a pre-emptive military strike against a neighboring country?
  4. True or False:
    “The International Atomic Energy Agency and the U.S. have provided evidence that Iran is attempting to obtain nuclear weapons.”
  5. The IAEA severely criticized which country for falsifying information on Iraq and Iran’s nuclear programs?
  6. According to the UN Charter and Nuremberg Tribunal, what is the gravest war crime of all?
  7. Which is the one country on the planet which has actually used nuclear weapons against a civilian population? 
and The answers...
  1. Israel, Pakistan and India have not signed the treaty.  Israel does not publicly admit it has nuclear weapons, although the fact that it does is common knowledge. Iran has signed thetreaty and does not have a nuclear weapons program.
  2. Iran
  3. Israel
  4. False – neither have provided any evidence that Iranis attempting to obtain nuclear weapons.
  5. United States
  6. Attacking a country which hasn’t attacked you. This is called a war of aggression, which “contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
  7. The United States, which bombed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagaski during WWII, killing between150,000–246,000 people within just the first 4 months, halfwithin the first 24 hours.
How did you answer these questions?
How do you think many Americans or Canadians would answer these questions? In addition to sanctions, there have been targeted assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists and a U.S. surveillance drone was discovered in violation of Iranian sovereignty and airspace.
Let’s be clear, no matter what you think about the Iranian government;
the real aggressor in the Middle East is Israel and the United States.
Now that you know, what will you do?
NO war! NO sanctions!
NO intervention!
NO assassinations!
Sources for this information and ways to take action at:

(hugs) to everyone...
later man, jan