So Don and Judy arrive at our place...
"Hey Jan" "Hey John" "Hey, everybody."
"Look what I found! This old lantern I got at the antique store! Look what I found inside!"
I look at Don, waving this piece of paper in my face. What is he going on about now? You know, it's always something with Don.
"Look, Jan," says Don, "this paper was folded up inside and there's writing on here. I wonder what it says. And it looks real old! Look, it's even burned in spots! "
Jan (not the sharpest tool in the box) finally begins to realize that Don is doing a real good acting job here and I had better jump right in. Peter is over the other side of the cabin, not really paying attention, but listening like most 6 year olds do and not missing a word.
"Peter", says I, "Come look at this! What do you think this is? Wow - it looks like a map to me!" Peter's eyes are starting to get round and he's acting real shy and not saying much - but he's hooked.
We start to look more closely - is that our lake? what about that creek - hey Don, doesn't that go right by your place? -- Pete, do you remember that picnic table - we had a party there last year -- and what are these marks? are they clues?
Well, to make a long story short - Don and Peter made a date to meet at his place the next morning at 10am - and Peter had better bring a shovel and maybe even a backpack. Don was going to go over to see another friend of his - Keelan, who was only 5 years old to see if she would like to help Peter with the clues on this map...
Next morning, everyone gathered for the reading of this map! There were a couple of young ladies who volunteered to help Peter and Keelan follow the clues... and all the rest of us followed - how could we not ???
Boy, am I glad we wore lots of bug spray - the trail took us along the lake shore and then plunged us into the bush where there were huge mushrooms and giant ferns and lots of mosquitos buzzing around...
Pete and his friends followed the clues and when they decided they must be in the right place, why they started digging around till they heard something go 'clunk'
There was this big, heavy tin box and the lid fell off and there were coins flying everywhere - well - everyone helped the kids fill their backpacks and they carried the loot back to the picnic table where everyone stood around in awe looking at the pile of coins.
Don suggested that the only thing left to do now was to divide the loot. So Peter and Keelan shared their find went home ready to visit the candy store, lots! Right Pete ???
Wow - what a day that was!
later man, jan
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