Monday, November 07, 2011

Occupy Calgary serves notice that Paul Hughes does not speak for the Occupy Calgary Movement

Published by Occupy Calgary Facebook Group November 7th, 2011:

Occupy Calgary is sending out this statement to serve notice that Paul Hughes does not speak for the Occupy Calgary movement.

Paul Hughes separated himself from the movement far before this date by his repeated actions, which damaged the unity and effectiveness of Occupy Calgary. From the first organising efforts Paul refused to work collectively and took it upon himself to speak to the Calgary Police regarding setting up camp at St. Partick’s Island. He only brought it up to the General Assembly (GA) after the fact.

Paul refused to accept the General Assembly’s decision to occupy Olympic Plaza. The GA agreed that if he wanted to set up another camp, he had every right to do so, but informed him that he should not presume to speak in the name of the GA of Occupy Calgary, but for himself as a member of the movement. He did not do that and repeatedly presented his camp at St Patrick’s island as THE Occupy Calgary camp.

He ran the St Patrick’s island as a one-man dictatorship, completely contrary to the ideals of the international Occupy movement. For example, recording of their General Assembly was not permitted, preventing any transparency. Also requests for the minutes of that GA have been repeatedly denied.

Contrary to the agreed upon consensus model and adherence to principles of respect for all he has insulted different members of the movement. He has and continues to censor members of the movement who are critical of him. He assaulted a member of the movement and destroyed their cell phone in a fit of anger.

He set up a community page on Facebook , claiming to be THE Occupy Calgary page which it is not, and did the same with the OccupyCalgary Twitter handle. Neither of these represent, nor are related to the Occupy Calgary movement. Paul Hughes represents his interests alone and should not be regarded as a spokesperson for Occupy Calgary.

For more information visit the central Occupy Calgary Facebook page which represents the Occupy Calgary general Assembly

And also our blog

and as for me, I support the Occupiers of Olympic Plaza and the rest of the Occupy Calgary Movement. Keep up the good work guys, you're getting people talking :)

later man, jan

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