Thursday, March 08, 2012

Fire & Grace Contemplative Worship

Fire & Grace Contemplative Prayer Service
Living Spirit United Church – March 8, 2012


Opening Reading  (spoken together)

The Beloved, through the energy of Love,
          brought forth the world. 
From the rising to the setting sun,
Love radiates out to all the nations
perfect in beauty.
The Beloved has come
and will not keep silence; for
Divine Love is a consuming Fire,
calling forth heaven and earth
to the judgement of all peoples:
 “Gather around, my loyal friends,
all who by repentance and recompense
          follow the Inner Way.”
The universe forever proclaims justice,
And the Beloved’s Indwelling Presence
guides those who hear with their heart’s ear.
(Psalm 50: 1-7 trans. Nan C Merrill)

O God, we call.  O God, we call.
From deep inside we yearn;
From deep inside we yearn
From deep inside we yearn, for You
VU #411(repeat)
1st reading – listen, what word or phrase draws you.
2nd reading – listen, for an image that relates to your life.
3rd reading – listen, what might God be calling you to?

“The life of faith carries with it many temptations, and this is surely one of them – to imagine that the outward signs of our devotion can constitute the whole of our relationship with God.  The same culture that prescribes ritual also insists that ritual itself is not omnicompetent; it is no substitute for ethics, or for the surrender of self-will without which it is impossible to love God or anyone else.  Worshipping God can look pretty perfect on the outside and still be empty on the inside.”                             
(Barbara Crafton)

O God, we call.  O God, we call.
From deep inside we yearn;
From deep inside we yearn
From deep inside we yearn, for You
VU #411(repeat)

Silent Meditation (15-20 minutes ended by a bell)

Prayers of the people followed by Our Father.

And Love says, I will, I will take care of you…
And Love says, I will, I will take care of you…

Closing:  (spoken together)

Create in me a clean heart, O Gracious One,
and put a new and right spirit within me.          
Enfold me in the arms of Love,
and fill me with your Holy Spirit. 
Restore in me the joy of your saving grace,
and encourage me with a new spirit.
                             (Psalm 51:11-13 trans Nan Merrill)


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