Many days I get out of bed wondering how I could have been so lucky. It could me dealing with an earthquake or a tsunami. It could be me dealing with fear living in a country torn by war. It could be me sorting through the garbage in our back alley searching for enough recyclables to earn a little cash like that fellow I saw yesterday as I was leaving comfortably in my car. Life will be easier for him with the new black bins, he won't have to untie all those bags, sigh. So yes, I feel lucky. I thank my parents for the life they gave me and the country they chose for me.
This all came to mind today while reading a blog I follow that I want to recommend to you. Betty is on a week-long service trip with 10 students from her husband’s college to San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala. Today's blog is called...
I smell like smoke. I feel like worms.
I always enjoy Betty's words. I always benefit in some way from Betty's insight. I hope you will also.
later man, jan
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