BC needs rain. The forecast is good for our place - supposed to rain all next week. I really hope so because BC has hundreds of fires all throughout the province. This link takes you to see the two fires on either side of our cabin.
If you click to enlarge the Galena Bay fire (fire 280)(SE corner of BC) you can see where our place at Beaton has another fire (fire 313) just to the north of us. Forestry has this fire marked as in Modified Response. Fire management specialists continue to observe the fire, and have built a machine guard on the south flank of the fire to prevent growth in that direction. They have it estimated 178 hectares with 1 piece of large equipment assigned. The large Galena fire has now 40% containment but they say there is still a lot of smoke on highways 23 and 31.
This is a view taken from our friend Don's place looking across the bay at our beach and the fire on Commaplix Mountain behind it. This was taken 10 days ago and the fire was still burning when we left and had moved to the right and also lower down in the valley which is where I am assuming they have built their "machine guard".
The smoke in the valleys certainly makes for interesting views from our beach front...
and also lovely sunsets from our front porch.
later man, jan
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