This loan is only 50% funded...
I think because the Kiva site copies the loan request sent by their partner --- and the main page only shows the first couple of not very interesting lines... "Mr. Paulino Quintana is 35 years old and married to Mrs. Isadora Ortega, who is 31. They have 1 son and live in their own home in a neighborhood of the city of Santaní."
Big deal. Move on, right?
But if you take the trouble to click the link to more... this is a remarkable story...
--- please read on... or view the original posting here...
"Paulino is a multifaceted man. He works selling clothing together with his wife. She stays at home to sell the merchandise in the small store they have set up in their home while Paulino travels the neighborhoods offering his products. In addition to his sales work, Paulino is a teacher and director of a small local school where children, especially those with scarce resources who work during the day, attend night school.
Paulino says that despite being a humble man he aspires to instill in his students the idea and the example, through his own life, that those who want to get ahead can. Working and studying is a reality for many children in Paraguay who come from poor families and who from a very young age must learn to earn a living just to eat.
He wants his country to generate more sources of work for older people. He desires with all his heart that Paraguay progresses so that two year old childen no longer have to beg in the streets and children from 4 years old no longer have to go out to sell sweets and wash windows when they ought to be learning and playing."
later man, jan
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