Friday, November 24, 2006

Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming...

Hey Phil - Christmas is coming :)

It happens so fast every year... there's already lights on our street and costco was a zoo today.

If you were watching the news on CTV this week, and paying strict attention, you would have seen Peter on the 5-6 year old segment of Toy Test 2006... you have to watch the whole thing and he is wearing a blue t-shirt right at the end of the video - only a grandma would watch this over, and over, and... :)

I just found my way to a blog that says a lot of what I am thinking about Christmas and Santa and adds a whole lot more... I recommend Melchizedek

ps thanx to the MadMonk for the link - Congrats to the first new Dad at ! (we'll miss you at Wondercafe - but we know you'll be busy - try to stay awake :)

later man, jan

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