Imago Dei - Image of God
later man, jan
just another way for grandma to show off the kids and the cabin, admire the wonder of life in this, God's creation and think aloud about how fortunate we are to have an abundance to share and how easy it is to make a difference in another person's life.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Test Your Awareness: Do The Test
hat tip to my friend, Janet... who said "This is cool... I guarantee you will watch this twice"
later man, jan
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It's all in the Marketing...
This video 'Story of a Sign' asks me some very interesting questions about why we give. How much of a person's story do I really need to know before I can stop and give of part of my abundance.
hat tip for this goes to my friend nakedpastor who writes a blog and posts cartoons that continually make me sit up and think.
later man, jan
Friday, September 12, 2008
Small Fortunes: Microcredit and the Future of Poverty
Stop Talking - Start Doing...
Here's some young folks with a neat idea. No idea when it happened or whether they continued with the upkeep. But it's still a neat idea :)
Benched from Brandon McCormick on Vimeo.
later man, jan
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Green Children Foundation
Become a Green Child today! Help spread the word about the potential of microfinance to improve lives in developing nations.
later man, jan
Monday, September 08, 2008
What Obstacles do you have to the Good Life?

This is a good news story !
This is why I keep telling you about Kiva !
This is why it is so important that we skip lunch today to send off another $25 !
This is someone's life !
I received a link today to a news story that will tear at your heart.
From Machete To Microfinance: A Double Amputee's Recovery
The story begins... "Yenku Sesay looks down where his hands used to be. He answers my question with a sickening quickness: '1998. May 6. 10am.'."
This is about a Kiva borrower Yenku Sesay and as the article states so well "Were it not for a microloan, Yenku is sure that he would still be begging today."
later man, jan
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Living the Questions
You can view all 21 videos - please - take some time for the Spirit within you...
later man, jan
Living the Questions
An Intro to Progressive Christianity
A group of Living Spirit folk gathered together last year to stretch our minds with the study “Living the Questions”. I think I can safely speak for all the group when I say that the videos we watched and the discussions that followed opened our hearts and minds to the work of the Spirit abiding within us. Those who were part of the group now may enjoy the videos again on YouTube. Those of you who didn’t have the opportunity, now have a chance to check them out.
later man, jan
Friday, September 05, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Struggling Students...
"We bridge the gap between supporters and students in need using technology. We eliminate the high overhead of child sponsorship, partnering with existing not for profit organizations that understand the communities they work in, and have a track record of success.
This allows you to directly help motivated students, with 100% of your money supporting their studies. We bring communities of people together with contributions as low as $20, to collectively support individual students. These are real youth with real dreams and unlimited potential. You can unleash this potential and help bring these dreams to reality. "
later man, jan