Friday, December 22, 2006

Free Hugs - is this all we need???

Anyone familiar with the Sick Puppies "All The Same"?

Here's some of the commentary from the YouTube site:

"Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man who's sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED.
What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one ... "

FYI hugs can be found at Bacon's Haven, anytime :) see you there...

later man, jan

The Enneagram Personality Test

I googled the test and got an answer - possible not the right answer :) however...

The following is a quote from GospelCrazy (one of my favourite members) over on

"It provides a system of understanding our own motivations, desires, and strengths and weaknesses. It is, first, an image that represents the human psyche, the community of all humanity, and the universe."

"It is a nine-pointed symbol (which is what the word "Enneagram" actually means) and we all experience the world from some location around the edge of the circle.The most amazing thing about it is that it tells us not only why we do the things we do, but how to achieve better functioning and how to work on our spiritual development."

"It may sound hard to believe if you haven't experienced it and you're a cynical person, but the Enneagram as a system of understanding is immensely precise, accurate, and helpful."

"In the fully expanded system, there are 729 different locations at which you can reside (nine cubed) and every one of them has a suggested direction of growth and "inner work."

"I recommend the Enneagram Institute website if people are looking for more information."

... sigh ... I don't think this is the real me :) I think I will have to take this again - maybe a few times - just to see how right I am... probably depends a lot on what kind of day you have had :) here's my score today... later man, jan

Scale (%) results:
Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism66%
Type 2Helpfulness66%
Type 3Image Focus54%
Type 4Hypersensitivity62%
Type 5Detachment58%
Type 6Anxiety54%
Type 7Adventurousness58%
Type 8Aggressiveness62%
Type 9Calmness34%
Your main type is 2
Your variant is social
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bethlehem's Best...

Grandma's 5 year old angel was in his first Christmas pageant...

They have been practicing for weeks and were so excited...

then stage fright overcame the boys and they became statues of angels.

Once their part in the performance was over however,

they reverted to their former selves and talked and poked each other

as they enjoyed the rest of the puppet show.

The best part was when the animals were helping Mary to put baby Jesus in the manger and they misjudged where the edge was and tipped him out. It was a long fall and the whole audience gasped. The Sunday School coordinator just happened to be sitting on the floor where she could direct the program and managed to save the baby and return him to his bed of straw and all was well. Then we could have a good giggle, but times were tense for a miniute.

Next stop - Christmas Eve - I can hardly wait...

later man, jan

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Carols for the Disturbed...

1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?

2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are

3. Dementia --- Was I Going To Be Home for Christmas?

4. Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me

5. Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and.....

6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me

7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire

8. Personality Disorder --- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why

9. Attention Deficit Disorder --- Silent Night, Holy Oooh look at the Nativity, Can I have a chocolate, Why is Santa's suit red?

10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder --- Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle, Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle....

later man, jan

Friday, December 15, 2006

New look on the Living Spirit website...

Some SAIT students built this new website for our church as part of their studies. Isn’t it great?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Get a tissue for this Special Christmas Message...

Please take the time to stop and feel this Special Christmas Message...

titled... A Child's Song
United Church Moderator David Giuliano recalls an encounter with God's surprising and encouraging presence when the Holy One came among us as a child.

Watch the video, or read the full transcript.

later man, jan

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

16th Anniversary of Tragedy

It's worth a minute or two of your time ---
Here's a link to a blog I follow...
I'ts a short reflection on the Montreal Massacre ...
Another Lest We Forget Day...

later man, jan

Monday, December 04, 2006

Are you Sentimental about Christmas traditions?

Guest Speaker this week at WonderCafe is Graeme Burk - a writer and a communications coordinator for a non-profit agency that works with at-risk youth in downtown Toronto.

He says that even though he is a practicing Christian...

..."I also love the secular holiday that has sprung up around it..."

..."I love the kitsch and the commercialism and the lights and Santa Claus and the singing..."

..."Christmas is a season where we put a giant amnesty on being sentimental..."

..."the best thing about the holiday season is that it's okay to like schmaltzy, sentimental and pretty things for their own sake. It's like taking a vacation from good taste and good sense..."

You can read his whole article and even post your own sentimental thoughts at

later man, jan

Time to apply for a passport...

Looks like it is time to apply for a passport and take John to Sweden...

-- this CBC news item is all about plans for an ABBA museum to open in 2008...

later man, jan

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I REALLY want to know how they do this...

I went to this site - and we did it over and over - and I gotta be missing something... How Do They Do This ????

later man, jan

Friday, November 24, 2006

Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming...

Hey Phil - Christmas is coming :)

It happens so fast every year... there's already lights on our street and costco was a zoo today.

If you were watching the news on CTV this week, and paying strict attention, you would have seen Peter on the 5-6 year old segment of Toy Test 2006... you have to watch the whole thing and he is wearing a blue t-shirt right at the end of the video - only a grandma would watch this over, and over, and... :)

I just found my way to a blog that says a lot of what I am thinking about Christmas and Santa and adds a whole lot more... I recommend Melchizedek

ps thanx to the MadMonk for the link - Congrats to the first new Dad at ! (we'll miss you at Wondercafe - but we know you'll be busy - try to stay awake :)

later man, jan

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hello-- am I reading this right ????

Students at Edmonton's Northern Alberta Institute of Technology will attend a campus sporting a familiar name soon — the college's south Edmonton location will be called the Ralph Klein Campus.

Would this be the same Ralph Klein that cut spending to education so that Alberta could balance their budget? I wonder what they will call the next new hospital???

Thanx, Frodo... but are you sure ???
later man, jan

Monday, November 20, 2006

Well, it seems I am almost Canadian...

must have been because I chose a scarf and not a toque ???

You are 83% Canuck!

Now that's what I'm talking about! You did good, you really, really did. I can call you my friend and not have to feel ashamed, and I thank you for that, really I do. Thank you, that is just really great!

How Canadian Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Change is coming to the United Church...

This is a link to a sermon given today somewhere in Ontario, I think, by a minister that has been posting regularly to He goes by the nickname of RevMatt.

I have learned very quickly to respect the thoughts/replies/answers that this person posts. These are the thoughts he planned to speak to his congregation today and part of it is describing the new ad campaign and the website that I have previously posted links to.

He goes on to speak of his vision of what's coming up for the future of the United Church of Canada. Each congregation of our church is going to have to do some soul searching to see if we are prepared to welcome those attracted by this new campaign.

later man, jan

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Christian vs Christ-Follower

Thanx, Gord... Everyone needs to check this out. I liked these videos . Kind of a cross between the Mac/PC ads and of "what does it mean to be Christian" discussions. I think I like them specially since I can identify myself on both the left and on the right. Just depends on the day and what side of the bed I climbed out :)

Frodo says "of course if parody and satire are not your bag, you may be less impressed."

later man, jan

Which Star Trek Character are you ???

Your results:
You are Worf

An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Mr. Sulu
Jean-Luc Picard
Will Riker
Geordi LaForge
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Mr. Scott
You are trained in the art of combat
and are usually intimidating.

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wondering where I've been...

If you were wondering - :) - I have been down with the flu for a week and spending all my free time at ( )
Wow - is that place addictive... Expecially for someone who just HAS TO add their 2cents worth. I don't bother logging in because I am not intending to post anything, just read for a while. Then I just can't help myself. What do you do with a person who thinks the rest of the world really want to know what she thinks.
I have also been following links to other sites that some folks there have suggested - some good, some not so good - what a world is this internet! I could never meet a real person again as long as I have food in my fridge. What a concept - later man, jan

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Jesus Bobblehead Doll... hey Phil, buy me one...

My car is just crying for one of these - that bare dashboard has waited long enough...
and maybe even a second one for the coffee table :)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The United Church of Canada debuts its new forum...

The new ads will be appearing anytime soon... some of them quite thought-provoking.
Then watch E-Z Answer Squirrel trying to answer life's important questions :) then go check out... to discuss the answers more deeply... That's the plan anyway.

This summer, in Thunder Bay, the United Church General Council voted to fund this new project with a view to appealing to the electronic generation. You know, those 30 to 45 year olds who are not coming to church these days. Those discussing the problems of the world in internet forums.

I like the look of the new site personally. However, I can't seem to load my photo into the profile, even after reading the FAQ and downloading the software program recommended. My image is .jpg and is 90x90 pixels and is only 5K so what can be the problem?

Since I am outside the target age group, that is probably not a big issue :)
Who wants to see a photo of me even at 6 months :)

I did the church search and found 29 United Churches within 20km of our home. That's a lot of churches. Glad to say, my home church was one of them :)

Please give the site a try and let me know your thoughts...
later man, jan

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mackenzie Blundell-Dunkerley - the Rover clan grows by one more...

3 months old and already bigger than a pumpkin...

Mom appears relaxed and loving every minute...

and yes - every child knows there is joy built right in to the name Jolly Jumper.

I can't wait till Christmas - whee...

later man, jan

Morgan decided this was the week to walk...

Morgan appears to think long and hard about things...
When he finally does something - he does it right...
After 4 days he hardly wobbles at all...

Unless of course his brother passes by, or the dogs, or he trips on a toy, or he bumps into the corner...
He went the whole length of the hall at church without once going down...

Do you think it has anything to do with dog food in the diet???

Peter now has to double check to see that the door of his room is closed at all times...

however - these brothers are the best of friends - most of the time :)

later man, jan

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


So you rush home from work...
Hang Frankie in the window and the ghost on the bush...
Spiders on the step and skeletons and bats around the front door...
Unpack the ceramic pumpkin and light candles to put in all the windows...
The crowning moment comes when the old BFR is dusted off and set up in the spare bedroom...
The speakers stack nicely in the gap in the open window and don't let in too much of the -6...
That old haunted house tape begins to moan and groan and scream out into the street...
(how long do cassettes last anyway - it must be 20 years since I taped and taped and taped the same groans ... anyway, when that tape perishes, that moment will probably signal the end of my halloweens)

Halloween Teddy guards the candy station - but not too well, I ate too much this year...
Katie barked a lot and John answered the door for at least 35 trick or treaters...
We are out of Cheesies but still have about 50 chocolate bars - no problem...
Maybe I can trade some for one of Lisa's candy apples - Phil posted photos at

whatever --- I have to go to bed now and try to sleep with all this sugar in my system...
later man, jan

Friday, October 20, 2006

The OLD crowd...

The old 60's school crowd full of Chinese food and green tea...

I kept the list of our favourites for next time...
C-2 ginger chicken - 2 of these please
M-8 - prawns with baby corn and mushrooms - again 2
G-5 - sweet and sour pork and pineapple for John
R-10 is the fat noodles with beef that Terry had to have
E-1 Jan recommends the chicken chop suey and steamed rice for all

The only drawback to the Dragon's Gate would be the bar ...
They don't have Dorothy's cooler and my sherry came in a highball glass...
Dot - maybe you could brown bag it - you remember those days, don't you?
And I can drink sherry out of a paper cup if I have to.

Our intentions are to do it again = :)
Our history doesn't give the best odds on soon:) but we'll sure give it a try.
Mark Nov 17 at 6:30 on your calendar
later man, jan

Darwin turns 9...

Thanx, Frostie for keeping me on my toes - whew - Darwin Fish (Sharon's number 3 child) turns 9 and Uncle John and I were invited to join the bunch for pizza after they spent the afternoon at the wave pool. As I said in my last post - where do the years go...
later man, jan

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Peter is a Beaver...

Where did 5 years go...

Peter was invested as a Beaver on Tuesday and so far he has delivered flyers, ran door to door on a bottle drive and learned "periscope up"...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday's Diet Tip ...

This is really me......!!!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Thanksgiving was Grrrrrrreat!

Thanksgiving weekend happened as it should... the turkey was stuffed and popped in the oven, the potatoes peeled, the gravy started and then off we went for a visit to the local craft place... Linda's cabin and Wendy's table full of craft supplies and ideas for inventive kids...

As the sun went behind the mountain, the children filled their plates and dug right in... the rest of us lined up for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, two veggies and gravy and buns... all the while keeping our eyes on the pies waiting to be cut... pumpkin, apple and mmmm
pecan pie (to die for, Sharon)

The weather was so fine on Sunday that we put the leftover food in the oven to warm up for our lunch and went for a long walk - ending up visiting Henry and his new cabin on the point...

and after another turkey dinner as good as the one the night before (no we didn't visit Alice's restaurant) - the children took off for the local waterfall/canyon/mud hole created by our faithful beer creek, right out there in the middle of our beach... you can't tell by looking at the kids that the creek is icy cold in October - but you also don't see any adults in there do you???

We took a Fish family photo before Shirley and Lorne left for home on Monday...
We hope they visit again soon...

Following our final lunch (turkey soup, what else) we spent an hour cleaning up and draining water pipes and adding antifreeze before locking up and driving out - saying goodbye and knowing that I won't return till the end of March 2007 is tough. Of course, we then spent two hours waiting for the ferry, the long weekend lineup is getting worse every year! however we were home safe by 8:30.

Coming to Beaton next year??? I know I will be, later man, jan

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Saying goodbye to a friend is hard...

Sorry, Dave and Jen, I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a faithful friend... we all know in our heads that their lives are short, but our hearts ache at the loss...

Although Rover was not feeling his best... he managed to compete with the other obsessives (Josh and Katie) at the August 2006 Annual Ball Throw and Return. He has probably already found the tennis ball in doggie heaven and an angel with all of eternity to patiently stand there and throw it for him. Again, and again, and again, and again...........

Rover enjoyed his visit to Bacon's Haven ... his friends will miss him... thanx for sharing him with us all.

Hang in there guys, jan

Friday, September 29, 2006

Our (no longer) favourite Chinese buffet...

Well, Friday night at the Epicurean buffet - guess it's time to write that place off our list - is it just us, or has the quality really bottomed out...
Maybe it's the staff shortage - the sign on the door says you can get a job there doing just about anything you choose...
I have a freezer full of food waiting to be cooked, and we spent two hours picking through the offerings (100 items - woo hoo) and all we really came home with was lots of gas...
Pepto Bismal - new bedtime snack...
later man, jan

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Morgan - First Birthday party...

So Morgan is now a big 1 and he has more toys...

And enjoyed the cake as expected...

later man, jan

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Thanksgiving - one last fling at the cabin...

Just thinking about how fast Thanksgiving is coming - and how we have to figure out how many are sleeping and eating in the cabin this year - madness - trying to have one last fling and winterize the cabin all on one weekend...

but Bacon's Haven is so beautiful in the fall... even a just visit to beer creek...

...wondering if John has fixed the pull rope on the boat motor...
I forgot to ask him - I took this photo this July at high water...

wondering if the mountain has finally stopped burning ...

I am surrounded by photos of our special place, here at home and also at the bank... It's easy to sit and daydream - fill the truck with gas, load on the food and clothes and don't forget the dog... and let's get going...

sigh, later man, jan

Babysitting for Trish...

OK - now I need a new monitor - this new machine of Trish and Dan's has this big, beautiful flat screen - and the crisp, clean - whew, will I moan and complain when I get home... sigh...

Well, Peter has left with his mum for his first bottle drive as a new Beaver. Morgan couldn't get down for his nap fast enough - you sure can tell when he's ready... He can be grinning from ear to ear and then cry in the space of three seconds. But, oh what a love!

So now what - well Trish has the dishwasher running - all that free hot water going down the drain - so I plug up the sink and search for her Blue Wonder cloth - kitchen window, french door and front room window - all with one sink of hot dishwasher rinse water - if you don't have any Blue Wonder cloths in your house, you are silly, silly :) I could get a job as a distributor for them if I had any sense.

John is at home , hopefully starting to put the stairs on the new deck (the dog can get down, but not back up :) This spring, the boards felt a little springy as I stepped out of the patio door. Our 30 year old decking practically fell apart by itself when I decided it was time to attack it. Only had to pull one nail in three. The way I get John to do stuff is to rip out the old stuff. It's worked so far with carpet, wallpaper, sidewalk blocks and now the deck. So now John is proud of the new decking - that composite stuff, supposed to last the rest of our lives, and the new railing - white aluminum so I can wipe of the bird poop easily (the birds are feasting right now on the masses of berries in the two mountain ash trees hanging over the deck).

Things would move faster at our house if we could focus more tho. We spent almost the whole summer at the cabin so now John has to push for the finish. I was laying new sod last week in the pouring rain, but it was the only day I had so it got done. Could have foregone my shower that morning, I was that wet when I finished. Of course if the greenhouse hadn't run out of sod the day before, I could have done it in sunshine. But that's not how my life travels - certainly not in any straight lines - go with the flow, man, go with the flow...

Boy, you can really get into this diary stuff... certainly faster that writing in my regular journal .. better be careful not to "bare all" :))))

later man, jan

Friday, September 22, 2006

Jan wants to share...

So where do I type - Oh here it is...
and then it jumps when I hit the enter
oh yeah... well there's Morgan enjoying his game with Katie...and here's Peter on his way from the cabin down the path to the beach...
and this is the 2006 photo of Trish in front of the cabin - beginning to be a traditional shot - I must search back for the previous ones and we can compare...

Well, everyone else seems to be doing this bloggin stuff ... so who am I to pass it up... I chose this format because I liked the look of the aussiebeck at that Todd and Bianca have been posting on. So here goes...

I loaded some photo and typed some words...

so now to retire / regroup / and let the whole concept percolate in my grey matter...

and then Phil can give me some hints ?? :) Cause now I have no idea where to go... later man, jan

ps - gotta learn something new now and then to check my sanity :)