Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Better than Venturer Swill ?

This week's guest speaker on my favourite forum WonderCafe, Ryan Beiler, opens up the world of dumpster diving. This link to YouTube will take you to a CBC news team that followed along on a dumpster diving run.

Ryan says he's "now leaning toward a “freegan” (rhymes with “vegan”) lifestyle, which allows me to eat poultry and seafood more often as long as I don’t pay for them.The point is to eat sensibly while withdrawing financial support from an unsustainable agribusiness industrial complex that ravages the environment with factory-farm waste and the fossil-fuel consumption needed to ship those shrink-wrapped eggplants all the way from Chile. But just because you’re scavenging surplus doesn’t mean you can’t be discerning. Because I target higher-end grocery stores, many of the items are organic and hormone-free as well."

He also suggests it is preferable to go in pairs - which would be good because I don't think I could climb in and out of those things without a little help (my knees, you know :) Certainly not just to rescue a poor little shrink-wrapped eggplant! I also think you would need a young, strong stomach, just in case...

Seriously, the really interesting part about this for me is that Ryan's article shows he has quite a strong Christian faith base that the CBC video did not even address.

later man, jan

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